
Monday, December 1, 2014

Buenos Aires Herald

December 2, 2014
The United States Congress is set to confirm Noah Mamet as the nation's new ambassador to Argentina, filling the post that has been empty for over a year since Vilma Martínez vacated the job on July 4 2013.
After more than a year without granting personal interviews, President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner accepted a face-to-face grilling with the press during the Argentine Construction Chamber's annual conference.
Anti-government CGT splinter leader Hugo Moyano slammed the goverment for refusing to change the income tax and warned about new protests that will be determined on Wednesday. “Prudence has its limits,” he said.
AFIP tax bureau chief Ricardo Echegaray used his monthly news conference to announce fiscal revenue to point the finger at the judiciary for slowing down the investigation into the evasion that is estimated could have cost state coffers as much as 60bn pesos.
•  Tax revenue up 38.4% in November • Arbizu points finger at banks
Oil producing provinces have long complained that these tight price controls led to a decrease in investment and cost their provincial coffers dearly, considering they could have been receiving a levy on higher prices.
Despite global pressure on Qatar to address reports of exploitative working conditions, 29,400 people, or 1.4 percent of Qatar’s population, are estimated to be working as slaves, in forced labour or domestic servitude, a report from an NGO estimates.
The Buenos Aires City government has announced that planned rolling strike action on the capital's subway lines has been called off by the 'Metrodelegates', after an emergency meeting between union representatives and the Labour Ministry.


Dollar (Official price) DOLLAR (Official price) $ 8,490 $ 8,540
Dollar Blue price) DOLLAR ("Blue" price) $ 13,00 $ 13,10
Euro EURO $ 10,710 $ 11,230
Pound POUND $ 13,355 $ 13,433
Merval MERVAL $ 9.366,560 $ -4,50
Dow Jones DOW JONES $ 17.776,800 $ -0,29
Bovespa BOVESPA $ 52.276,580 $ -4,37
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Warning: 2015 ahead

Andrés Federman

Warning: 2015 ahead

Judgement days

Martín Gambarotta - News Editor

Judgement days

Víctor Caivano, photojournalist and news director for the Associated Press

‘In Argentina, editorial decisions have clearly been influenced by political positions’

By Vera Von Kreutzbruck

• World Trade

WTO says it is ‘back in business’

• On Sunday

Anger protesters call Peña Nieto’s bluff

Grupo ámbito ámbito financiero Docsalud Premium El Ciudadano El Tribuno Management
Director: Orlando Mario Vignatti - Edition No. 4327 - This publication is a property of NEFIR S.A. -RNPI Nº 5177376 - Issn 1852 - 9224 - Te. 4349-1500 - San Juan 141 , (C1063ACY) CABA

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