
Saturday, November 29, 2014

Buenos Aires Herald

November 29, 2014
While the judiciary starts investigating HSBC for using an illegal scheme to help more than 4,000 citizens and companies evade taxes, the AFIP tax bureau has already sent out the first summons asking tax payers to regularize their situation.
Buenos Aires Governor Daniel Scioli has reinforced his electoral platform promoting law-and-order and tackling crime after inspecting the 10,000 police cadets that graduated from the Juan Vucetich academy.
• BA province homicide rate reduced by 40%
“The State has already collected what it said it was going to collect with income tax,” Massa told reporters pointing out 220 million pesos were expected to be collected this year.

Concern increases about possible effects on budding investment in the country’s shale fields

Energy shares down as oil keeps dropping

• Oil price hits four-year low • Argentina in 'very favourable' position
Around 2.5 million voters are expected to cast ballots in Uruguay’s presidential runoff to elect the successor of President José Mujica, in an election that could turn ruling party candidate Tabaré Vázquez into the most voted president in the country’s history.
By Leonardo Haberkorn

During the campaign, Luis Lacalle Pou distanced himself from his father, former president Luis Alberto Lacalle Herrera. Raúl Sendic, the vice-presidency contender for the ruling party, didn’t even mention that he is the son of the Tupamaros guerrilla movement’s founder.
Opposition lawmakers continued expressing their support for Federal Judge Claudio Bonadío, who has opened an investigation into administrative irregularities in a company that runs a hotel that belongs to President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.
By Luciana Bertoia

The Kirchnerite administration has been successful at setting the agenda but also at creating its own enemies. Claudio Bonadío, a controversial judge who is leading an investigation against President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, is now the government’s nemesis.

Soccer — Domestic League

River continues with celebrations

Televisa television network has said Roberto Gómez Bolaños' body ould be flown from his home in Cancun to Mexico City for a private funeral Mass at the network's headquarters, and a public tribute was planned for Sunday at Azteca stadium.


Dollar (Official price) DOLLAR (Official price) $ 8,490 $ 8,540
Dollar Blue price) DOLLAR ("Blue" price) $ 13,00 $ 13,10
Euro EURO $ 10,710 $ 11,230
Pound POUND $ 13,287 $ 13,365
Merval MERVAL $ 9.808,600 $ -3,10
Dow Jones DOW JONES $ 17.828,240 $ 0,00
Bovespa BOVESPA $ 54.664,360 $ -0,10
Full MARKET coverage HERE

Harder for Leonas to defend title

Eric Weil / For The Herald

Harder for Leonas to defend title

When red looks black

Michael Soltys / Senior Editor / Economic Outlook

When red looks black

Obama becomes Bush

Dana Milbank

Obama becomes Bush

Yu Sheng Liao, editor and translator

Asian fusion

By Sorrel Moseley-Williams
Given that his parents didn’t want him to go through compulsory military service in Taiwan, Yu Sheng Liao arrived in Buenos Aires as a child. Now a translator, editor and marketeer specializing in food and wine, he enjoys the best of both the Asian and Argentine worlds.

• World Trade

Argentine waterways, private port terminals able to handle bigger crop

• On Sunday

Anger protesters call Peña Nieto’s bluff

Grupo ámbito ámbito financiero Docsalud Premium El Ciudadano El Tribuno Management
Director: Orlando Mario Vignatti - Edition No. 4326 - This publication is a property of NEFIR S.A. -RNPI Nº 5177376 - Issn 1852 - 9224 - Te. 4349-1500 - San Juan 141 , (C1063ACY) CABA

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